Yes, it is just that good that it deserves it's very own post.
A few weeks ago Boots had to go on a trip and one of the stops was in San Diego. He was in the market for birthday presents for me and knowing one of my favorite things ever is this Almond Champagne, he got our good friend to get some for me. He brought me home 2 bottles and I'm a very happy girl. I first found out about this amazing stuff last year at the same good friend mentioned above's wedding. I don't know how many bottles I drank of it by myself that night, but I had an incredible time at their wedding and have been a huge lover of Almond Champagne ever since. I've tried other kinds since then when I was in the states, but this kind is by far my favorite. Now I'm in Okinawa where there is no Almond Champagne of any kind, so this is a rare and special treat.
We savored one bottle last weekend (while watching True Blood, an amazing, wonderful combination). I'm saving the other one for my birthday next week. I sure hope Boots gets to go back to Cali soon. ;)