Saturday, February 26, 2011
Gojou - 4 months
Back On Track
For the past week I would say, ok today's the day. But, I would never bite the bullet and just go. Then last night I had a dream. A dream where I was running, running and running like the wind up a hill and it was effortless. You know when you're even having dreams about running that it's time. I miss it. I forgot that one of the reasons I love running is that it is hard. I love the challenge and the power of my body. I love the burning lungs, aching muscles and pounding heart, and I love the wind in my hair.
My run was awesome and I even sprinted in the last 1/4 mile. I can still run. I ran really well actually. I ran like no time had passed at all, except I was running without the usual pain in my knee and foot. Perhaps this break was actually just what I needed. I'll probably be sore tomorrow though!
Friday, February 25, 2011

Today another big purchase was made which involves another stamp on my passport. Brad's leave hasn't been approved yet, so I'll wait to tell you about it. I will be extremely upset and disappointed if we don't get to go, so fingers crossed!
My husband is really really good to me. Lucky girl!
Thursday, February 24, 2011

As I briefly mentioned before, I have a total love for BCBG dresses. This was started by my husband when he bought me my first BCBG dress for our rehearsal dinner. If I had the love of these dresses then that I do now I would have gotten married in a BCBG for sure.
Here is my first love, my rehearsal dinner dress. This still is my fav BCBG ever... probably my favorite dress ever. I got a beautiful BCBG for Brad's winging. It's so classy, versatile and I always feel like a million bucks in it, it's so flattering. Weird I don't have a better picture of it!
BCBG dress I wore to the Cherry Point USMC ball in 2009. I loved every second I got to wear this dress. I have yet to wear it again, but I look forward to it.
And the BCBG Brad gave me for my birthday last year. And the BCBG shoes he got me to go with it. I'm so glad I'm a girl and get to wear pretty dresses and shoes! Thank goodness for BCBG dresses.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Guilty Pleasure

We did get out for a bit to check out the Okinawa Zoo. Most people have told me not to go to the zoo here. The animals have small, bare enclosures and don't have the quality of life the animals in the big US zoo's do. But, recently I saw and ad saying that there were slow loris at this zoo and I immediately wanted to go.
I've been totally obsessed with slow loris ever since I saw the Slow Loris Loves Tickles video years ago. Unfortunately we only saw one Slow Loris and it was curled up on a branch asleep. It reminded me of a little koala.
Even though we didn't get to see the Slow Loris do anything there were a ton of other animals to see. We saw bats, monkeys, big cats, hippos, a giant ant eater, pigs, giraffes, goats, ponies, an elephant, reptiles and amphibians, kangaroos and tons of different animals. The zoo was chock full and pretty expansive. The enclosures were definitely not very nice and a quite a few different times we were overwhelmed with the smell of the animals and their excrement, but considering how Okinawa is, the zoo was pretty good. Check out the sign on the lions cage. They get so mad they pee on people... poor lions. Brad got totally grossed out watching the hippos eat, it was pretty funny. I felt especially bad for the monkeys/apes/chips that just stare into your soul with their eyes. They had a lot!
The zoo also had a small petting zoo. I went gahgah over the baby chicks. Ummmm total love fest over these lil babies. They also had a super fluffy bunny, turtles and goats.
There happened to be a flower festival going on at the zoo too! There were so many flowers and they were super pretty.
The zoo made for a nice afternoon! Oh how I love animals!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Yesssss Brit Video!

Ummmm yes, I am an unabashed Britney fan. The long awaited new video for Hold it Against Me just came out. I love it. Way to go Brit!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
1, 2, 3, GO
Isn't Gojou the cutest!?
I currently have a to-do list a mile long, but I feel like Gojou here and really just want to curl up with the book I mentioned in my last post. Maybe another cup of coffee will do the trick...
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
A Must Read About Japan

Sunday, February 13, 2011
I Heart U
I'm lucky enough to have a some adorable valentines in my life.
Like I mentioned last post, Brad and I celebrated Valentines Day this weekend by going whale watching and generally just enjoying each others company. On Friday night Brad surprised me with beautiful diamond earrings. He likes to surprise me since he says I'll expect it the day of. His present was the Kinect for the xbox. I kinda wanted this too, and I thought it would be a fun thing for us to do together because usually I want nothing to do with video games. We had a total blast playing with the Kinect! My favorite part is how the camera takes pics while you're playing. Hilarious. We had a total ball. Does anyone have other games they like to play on the Kinect? I think I'd like to get some of the fitness and sports games.
And since my honey is gone again for a few days, flying "the ocean in a silver plane."
I hope you enjoy a red heart filled with chocolate, time with family, a hug from a friend or snuggle with your favorite animal. It's always a good idea to be thankful for the love we have in our lives.
Humpback Whales!
We got on the boat at a port in Naha and although we were the only non-Japanese speaking people, everything worked out fine. A nice Japanese lady who spoke English translated the rapid fire Japanese instructions at the start of the trip.
Since I did kinda get sea sick the last time I was on a boat I was pretty nervous I'd feel sick again, and once the boat set off and we started to hit some pretty large swells I was really happy that I just happened to have a couple Dramamine pills in my purse. The boat crew were handing out bags to barf in and (as the nice Japanese lady translated for us) we were not allowed to vom in the head because it would clog the pipes. Ick. Throwing up is bad enough, but doing it on a crowded boat with no privacy? I'll pass. Thank goodness for modern medicine. We didn't get sick at all. Score.
So, we made our way through the high seas out to the Karama Islands. Once we got there the humpback whales made their appearance pretty quickly. We saw a crap ton of whales. It was awesome! They were breaching, blowing, flipping their tails in the air and putting on a great show for us. It was beautiful. The whales seemed so friendly, coming right up beside the boat. It was like they were performing for us! When it was time to leave one whale actually swam along side the boat for a few minutes. Totally amazing!
So has anyone seen the Dane Cook skit where he is impersonating Opera? Well, we think it is hilarious, and during the skit he does this bit about humpback whales. So, we amused ourselves the whole day by saying this at random intervals:
Friday, February 11, 2011
Bubbly for a Happy Heart
Thursday, February 10, 2011