I'm home in Northern VA!! It is so amazing to be
back with my family and friends. I'll be here for 3 weeks.
Tomorrow morning at around this time I'll be starting my first half marathon! I feel so nervous I am hoping I don't barf on the starting line. I do not feel prepared for this run at all! But, I've been wanting to run one, this race looks great, and I get to do it with my best friend, Kate, after not seeing her for years. What a way to reunite. One of the people she was running with couldn't do it, so I'm going to get her spot. So, I found out I'm going to run this thing ummmm 2 days ago.
I'll be participating in the
North Face Endurance Challenge!
In this race you can do the 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon, 50k and 50 mile! Oh my god, 50 miles!
This run will be far from boring. The site says:
The North
Face Endurance Challenge returns to Algonkian Regional Park, Great Falls
Park and the Potomac Heritage Trail again in 2012. The course keeps
runners on their toes with ever-changing terrain. Overall, the course
consists of 50% singletrack, 30% dirt or gravel doubletrack, 10% gravel
carriage road and 10% paved road.
I will certainly be pushing my limits tomorrow. Last summer when my friends and I climbed Mt Fuji my girlfriend she said she'd rather run a marathon than climb that mountain again, so I'm hoping that's true, because Mt Fuji was one of the hardest physical and mental things I've ever done. And this time I'll only torture myself for like 2 1/2 hours. My only goal is to make it to the finish line, not die, and preferably not loose control of my legs and/or pass out. And hopefully I will be able to move tomorrow at least a little. Massage is already booked!
Wish me luck, I'll need it.