Friday, May 24, 2013

Paxton's Nursery

I couldn't wait to get moved into our new home so I could start getting the baby's room put together.  I knew I wanted to have white furniture, accent colors of green and blue and a starts/outer space theme.  I'm still really happy with how it turned out.


View from the door.

Aqua chevron crib skirt and boppy cover.  Crib sheet, swaddle blanket and changing pad cover are Aden + Anais "Oh Boy" pattern of small blue and tan stars.

Rocking chair with jumbo cushions and Pottery Barn Kids rocket pillow. Accent table with blue and green Okinawa Glass Factory lamp.  Wall art from Etsy trafalgarssquare shop.

Star mobile from Pottery Barn Kids.  That little turtle in the corner shines stars all over the room! Shelves are filled with toys, 4 small frames, books, and a robot bank.

Jellycat lion an other softies in blue ombre basket (can't see too well, sorry!)

Changing pad in the "Oh Boy" Aden + Anais star print.  Star lamp, Jellycat elephant, light up lanterns and my first diaper bag - timi & leslie Marie Antoinette II

Can't believe my baby boy will be in there in a few short weeks! 

So there it is!  I got a lot of the stuff from Target and Amazon.  I'll be happy to tell you where I got specific things, so feel free to ask.  

We are all set with his car seat base installed in my car.  We have our Bob running stroller.  I can't WAIT to go for a run again.  And a big thanks to my awesome parents for buying the Bob for us!  I seriously love this stroller and can't wait to use it.  It's super maneuverable, collapses using one hand and seems pretty light weight.  We got the car seat adapter for when he's little, a tray for when he's older, and a cool accessory add on for the handle bar for water bottles, phone and other things that need to be on hand.

Jellycat helping me practice.

We have his Pack and Play, his swing and his play mat and all kinds of baby gear ready to go.  Pax is mostly all set.  But, I do still have an entire closet full of clothes that needs to be washed. And I should probably already be stocking up on diapers.  And I should probably practice my swaddling skills and how to put on/wear our 2 baby carriers.  Next week I have my next appointment with my doctor who will be doing my surgery, so I should know Pax's birthday soon! 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

New Digs

A few weeks ago we were lucky enough to move into this great house in Pensacola.  We literally signed the lease the day it came available.  We looked at a whole lot of houses in the area, but I really had my heart set on this one.  I'm so glad we were able to get it.  Sure, it's not the biggest, newest, or nicest, but I love the street, neighborhood, access to everything and most of all I love that his house has a pool in the back yard.
Our first pool side dinner a few weeks ago.
The house also has 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, a living room, family room, breakfast nook, kitchen, dining room, and a 2 car garage on the side.  We love that we found such a great place to rent for the next 3 years! 
The house is really dark in this picture, hidden under the massive Live Oak tree in the front yard.  I LOVE that big old tree.  We have plans to paint the front shutters to brighten up the front of the house.

We put in the little flower garden around the mail box.  It's filled in a lot over the last couple weeks.  We'll see how it handles the intense FL heat this summer.  

We've been doing little projects like getting all the plumbing fixed, working on the yard and basically just trying to get moved in and settled.  The inside is mostly done, but we ordered a new bedroom furniture set, so I'll wait until we get it before I give you a peak inside.

I just love swinging on the front porch in the afternoons! 
I've wanted to live in a house for so long now.  I was so over living in an apartment!  But, wow, houses are so much more work.  The yard work alone, sheesh!  But, it's so worth it.  I love our new home!

Stay tuned next for a sneak peek into our baby's room!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Bump update! 28 - 32 weeks

20 weeks on the left vs. 30 weeks on the right.  Wow!  Hello belly!
How Far Along: 32 weeks.  8 months!
Size of baby: a honeydew, 19 in, 4.5 lbs.
Total Weight Gain: too much :(  yuck.  
Maternity Clothes: pretty much everything I wear except for some workout/yoga pants.  I can't go out in non maternity tops (and probably shouldn't wear them around the house either).
Gender: We had another ultrasound at 29 weeks to check the status of my placenta previa problem.  Tech, Dr. and midwife all confirmed it is undoubtedly a boy!
Movement: Oh yes.  I'm thinking he still has plenty of room in there for tons of fun.  He's getting strong!
Exercise:  Because I still have placenta previa my Dr and midwife have made me swear off running, riding and anything "strenuous" for the rest of my pregnancy.  I'm super bummed because I love being active, but I will have to make due with yoga, walking and swimming in my pool.
Sleep:  Still awesome.  I do feel more tired these days.  It could have to do with working my tail off on the new house. 
What I miss:  I'm ready for a cocktail.  A big one. 
Cravings:  I finally have a full kitchen again.  Movers came and I'm excited to have things again like my blender, keurig, toaster ... you know, plates to eat on. All that good stuff.  I crave avocado, watermelon, sweet potatoes, peanut butter on apples or bananas.  Eating healthy and organic is so much easier stateside.  I'm enjoying getting to cook again!
Symptoms:  I'm feeling so awesome.  It's great.  I do get puffy hands and feet if I do too much by the end of the day.  I feel huge, as in massive.  Baby boy is super active and I adore him already.  I only get minor braxton hicks when I do too much and get totally stressed out.  It's only happened a couple of times but it's like a little alarm that tells me to cut it out and relax. 
Best moment this week monthOk - big ones here!  We moved into a new house.  It's great!  And the pool out back is the shiz.  Our movers came with our stuff after being in the house for about 4 weeks.  I was overjoyed and totally overwhelmed.  We have way too much crap.  I think I have the nursery almost done.  Pictures and a post on it coming soon.  This is not the best thing, in fact it was the opposite for me, but my placenta previa has not resolved.  I have to schedule a c-section for when I'm 29 weeks around June 27.  That's only in 6 weeks, eeep!  The crappy, depressing side is that I wanted so much to have the natural birth I've been planning and hoping for.  I won't get to let my body do it's thing, I wont get to put my big hips to good use (I mean why else have I had to suffer with these huge baby makin' hips my whole life!?), I wanted ... something so different then a totally surgical birth.  Surgery terrifies me.  And for about a week I literally couldn't even talk about it without crying hysterically.  But, on the flip side, I'm so glad that with modern medicine the doctors can do something to save my baby and me.  The baby would die if I tried to give birth and I might too.  So, surgery is a much better alternitive.  I have a doula that is going to help me get ready mentally for the surgery and I am going to get as prepared as possible for the surgery and recovery process. 
What I’m looking forward to:  I can't believe that my baby boy will be in my arms in about 6 weeks.  

Here are belly pics from the last few weeks!  

On the porch of our new house!

Loved getting to see this beautiful boy's adorable face/legs/arms/belly - all of it!  I cry every time.

Pensacola beach!

I kind of look hot and sweaty... pretty much the case constantly this pregnancy.

This was from yesterday, Mothers Day!