Bump update - weeks 33 - 36!
This was a nice night - packed a picnic and ate dinner on the beach as the sun went down. |
I love my backyard pool! All alone I rock the 2-piece and let the belly out in all it's glory. |
We got our professional pictures done this week, so Bathroom selfie will have to do for now. |
36 weeks. It's gone by incredibly fast. I love this flattering dress from Target. It's my hope that black really is slimming because I feel yucky and super huge. I've read that wearing pants after a c-section is torture, so I plan on living in comfy dresses like this one for a few weeks. |
How Far Along: Currently I'm one day away from being 37 weeks, FULL TERM! But, this post will be a review of last month's pregnancy adventure.
Size of baby: a watermelon. Somewhere around 19-22 in. and 6.5 lbs. Feels like it too!
Total Weight Gain: this freaks me out! I never look at the scale when they weigh me at the doctors office. I tell them to only talk to me if it's a problem. I'm watching what I eat, trying to be as healthy as possible and trying to get my exercise in. These days food shopping feels like exercise!
Maternity Clothes: Belly is massive. Pretty sure this thing has it's own planetary orbit.
Gender: Quick ultrasound last week yet again confirmed it's for sure a boy.
Movement: His movements are getting far less extreme. I feel his kicks and stretches, but not so much flipping and making big movements like before. And I'm pretty sure he's sideways.
Exercise: It's amazing the things that get me sweating and huffing and puffing these days. I like to go for walks. I really miss running and riding and working out like normal. But, I have to follow doctors orders to take it easy.
Sleep: Just in the last week or so sleep has become an issue. The baby will sit super high up on my ribs/organs and I can't get comfortable. I sleep with the most massive pillow fortress to prop me up and with pillows on either side. I really miss laying on my back. I usually have trouble falling asleep and when I finally do get to sleep I wake up often during the night with the need to walk around a bit or to pee. I guess it's good practice for when he gets here in a few weeks. I'm feeling pretty fatigued during the day and my energy is pretty low. I love naps.
What I miss: I miss a lot of things and I think it's helping me feel more ready for having the baby and not being pregnant anymore. I've loved being pregnant and sometimes I get super sad to think this special time of my life is almost over. But, at the same time I can't wait to finally meet my son! And I can't wait to make a homemade margarita, sip some wine, crack open a beer and drink some bubbly! (Even if it's only a tiny drink since I plan on breast feeding!) Sleep on my back, get my body back, be able to go run and ride again, lift stuff, and eat a tuna sandwich.
Cravings: Coconut, nuts/nut butters, avocado. I know that at this point the baby is just pretty much putting fat on. Maybe this is why my body is craving these high fat foods.
Symptoms: I'm puffy. Fluffy. And hot.
Best moment this month: Seeing my big boy on the ultrasound. Finally getting our master bedroom furniture set so I can finally, finally finish getting the house put together. We also took maternity pictures where we got married 5.5 years ago. I can't wait to see them. I hope I don't look whale-ish in at least one or two!
What I’m looking forward to:
I try to be super healthy. Not just this pregnancy, but always in general. I eat organic. I
avoid GMO's. I only eat wild salmon and shrimp on occasion. I don't
eat fast food. I don't drink soda. I don't eat beef, pork (or any
mammal) and only eat organic chicken and eggs. I've done everything I
could to make a healthy baby. And I've had a completly wonderful, easy
pregnancy. But, I still have placenta previa and it's medically necessary for me to have a planned c-section. (I still can't type that with out getting teary-eyed!) I've done my research, talked to my doctor and I do feel better about it than I did. But, it is so far from what I wanted my birth experience to be like and it's so hard for me to embrace this as reality. But, as my last and final ultrasound confirmed my placenta is in the wrong spot and isn't moving. So, my baby's birthday is scheduled for June 27 (when I'm 39 weeks)! I might be dreading the surgery and the recovery process, but I can't wait to look upon my sons face, kiss his cheeks, toes and nose and hold his little self in my arms. My son. Completely blows my mind. I'll be a mommy in only 2 more weeks! I'm so incredibly lucky that my wonderful parents are going to fly in for 3 weeks to help me recover and transition to mommy-hood. And my sister is taking a break from her amazing, crazy, traveling life and coming from Turkey after a trip to Egypt. And then my parents-in-law will come. It is such a comfort and relief to know that I will have the love and support of my family around me during this wonderful, exciting time of my life.