Like I said, I'm using this week to catch up on a lot of things ... including a belated congratulations to my amazing husband who was promoted this month. He is away on a trip and so I was unable to pin him, but we will celebrate once he gets home.

These are some recent pictures from his trip!

Congratulations to your man! It's so awesome when we see our Lovers doing what makes them happy and reaching their personal goals. I feel like the lamest wife ever though, reading your post because I got my husband a briefcase for his promotion...a guitar is way cooler :) Love it.
So amazing!! Tell Brad Congrats for me (actually I just wrote it on his FB wall..but you can hugs hims for meee)
WHAT an awesome present! Do they come in hottpink??
Your photography skills have rubbed off on your husband. . .those mountian shots are incredible. And I love the one of him playing golf.
Congrats Brad!
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