Yesterday Brad got home from being gone for 6 weeks. Yay! I got to go out to the flight line and watch him land his plane. I've never seen him fly before, so I was a little nervous. That combined with the excitement and butterflies in my stomach from getting to see him again made my hands a bit shaky during the video. A couple of other wives and their kids were there welcoming home their husbands as well. It was my first time welcoming Brad home and I felt quite proud.
Last night we celebrated by going out with friends to the Naha Harbor Diner, or the Tree House Restaurant. For someone who always has their camera, wouldn't you know it that I forgot the memory card in my computer. Dang. The iPhone saves the day again.
The food wasn't anything to write home about, so the lure of the place is definitely the novelty of the setting. The menu did boast organic veggies which I was excited to see. And I really enjoyed the plum wine! After dinner we went to Kokusai Street to check out the nightlife. I loved this street during the day, but at night all the lights, shops, and people gives this street a different feel and makes this street a lot of fun. We went to a cool, trendy bar/lounge called Rehab and I loved their creative cocktail menu. My favorite that I tried was the Pink Paradise.
I love that your post pictures. Japan is so pretty and cool.
Give Brad a welcome-home hug from me!
Happy Landing! So glad Brad is back home. It was great to see him, but his heart is with his girl.
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