Hi everyone! We made it back. Getting to and from Australia was something like running the gauntlet, well maybe just as exhausting. But, it was well worth the hours and hours on the cramped plane, smashed next to smelly people and surrounded by equally smelly and icky plane food... Sydney was Ahhhhhmazing. Christmas in Sydney was everything I thought it would be. We had an incredible time and I have about 1,000 pictures to go through that documents every part of our busy and jam packed trip.
Here's a little teaser:

Me and some of the laziest and sleepiest koalas in Australia. The one I'm next to was named Syd and he let me pet him all over, rub his ears and face, and even hold his lil hand. I was a kid in a candy store.
Ok, lots more later, promise. I have piles of laundry to do, dinner to make consisting of nothing but heaps of fruit and veggies (I think my body is going through withdrawal from wine and fish&chips), and a Gojou to snuggle. Happy to be home!
Ummmm I don't think I've ever seen a picture that encapsulates "Everything I love about Eve" more than this one. You look like a movie star and so happy!!! So glad you guys had a great time :)
Those koalas are SO stinkin' cute!!
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