I'm still running. I'm no where near where I would have liked to be considering I had that goal of running a half marathon before Brad gets back from deployment, but I'm still getting out there. And loving every minute. Every time I go out I say to myself, "this is amazing, why don't you do this everyday?" I hate to say it but I have been so stinkin' busy and I hate running in the morning. There, I said it. I need to, I must, get myself motivated in the morning. Ideas?

One of the best parts of running for me is the gear! I love running outfits. I recently saw in Runners World some running outfits from Running Skirts. Mostly I saw their cute knee high running socks and wanted them bad enough to shell out $32 for them. Of course I had to buy a new outfit to go with them while I was at it. I bought the socks, a running skirt to match and this tank top with sparkly hearts on it.
I also recently (finally) got my new running shoes in the mail and I love them per usual. New gear is so motivating for me. And I love feeling comfortable, confident and cute (that is until I'm drenched in sweat with a bright red face) while I'm out there. Whatever works right?!
Good words to run by and live by:
"Believe that you can run farther or faster. Believe that you're young enough, old enough, strong enough, and so on to accomplish everything you want to do. Don't let worn-out beliefs stop you from moving beyond yourself."-J. Bingham
One of the best parts of running for me is the gear! I love running outfits. I recently saw in Runners World some running outfits from Running Skirts. Mostly I saw their cute knee high running socks and wanted them bad enough to shell out $32 for them. Of course I had to buy a new outfit to go with them while I was at it. I bought the socks, a running skirt to match and this tank top with sparkly hearts on it.
Good words to run by and live by:
"Believe that you can run farther or faster. Believe that you're young enough, old enough, strong enough, and so on to accomplish everything you want to do. Don't let worn-out beliefs stop you from moving beyond yourself."-J. Bingham
Best of luck with your half! I love running skirts - They really are so comfy...Not sold on the socks though. Are they just for cuteness, or are they supposed to make your running better, somehow? Don't they get hot? So many questions :)
Have a great week!
Becca - Thanks! They are compression socks. The website says "increased circulation = happy legs!" And quicker recovery. And they got really great reviews on the website, so I thought they were worth a try. :) I like them, but they are a bit tight around my large and in charge calves and the foot part is a bit thicker than my normal running socks. I don't really think they get that hot... but I mostly run at night when it's a bit cooler anyway.
Eve, you inspire me, and I just want to get out and walk! What a good idea about spoiling myself with some new gear to get myself inspired. I love every piece you have, and I really like the idea behind the compression socks. Sure doesn't hurt to look cute and feel good out on a run. I'm proud of you for sticking to your goals! Can't wait to hear how you do on your first half marathon!
Holly Madison would be so proud of you. :) LOVE the socks!
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