Anyway, back to Gojou. He is a grumpy lil guy and has been very resistant to my love and affection. So, he just has to deal with my force-loving him. I thought he would grow to love me as much as I love him, but it's been a year and I'm pretty sure that his personality is quite established. Goj loves to sleep and eat. That's about it. He does love running nightly marathons on his wheel too. But, when it comes to me he'd rather just go back to sleep. Even so, I enjoy his funny little personality and I love taking care of him.
Today I celebrated his birthday by giving him an extra helping of meal worms, a nice fresh cage and then making him fresh and clean too by giving him his usual bath. Goj is supposed to like baths, but he just can't seem to get into it. Still, I find it adorable, and he needs regular baths, so he just has to deal.
Today Goj reminded me of how much he hates baths by biting his bath towel and hanging on! Crazy Hedgie.
#1 reason why I love having a hedgehog: they curl up in the most adorable balls.
So, happy birthday to my not-so-baby-anymore hedgehog, Gojou!
1 comment:
SHUT up. This is the most ridiculously CUTE post ever. He is roll-him-up-into-a-ball-and-put-him-in-my-mouth-and-chew-on-him ADORABLE :)
Congrats on the new camera, too!
He must be nocturnal? What a little pumpkin.
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