Thanksgiving flew by at the speed I should be used to by now. Everything is going by so fast! I celebrated with my barn friends and about 30 people total at my girlfriends house this year. She made 2 delish turkeys and a ham and we all brought the sides and desserts. I wish I had taken a picture of my apple pie, it was a beauty this year. I spent the morning cooking, afternoon napping and snuggling my new kitten, Jade (I finally named her), and generally being homesick and feeling a bit lonely, despite the good kitten company. That all disappeared the moment I walked into Alexis's packed house and suddenly it felt like Thanksgiving. I cannot thank her enough for inviting us all into her home, she is such a gracious hostess. It was the first year I ever saw sushi and Okinawan foods included in the Thanksgiving spread. It was so fun to share our Thanksgiving celebrations with Japanese neighbors and friends. I spent most of the evening on the rooftop next to a fire holding my friend Madie's newborn baby laughing until my cheeks hurt. The food was amazing, but for me Addison stole the show. She was the highlight of my night. So in love with that little angel!
It was a wonderful Okinawa Thanksgiving and it made me very thankful that I have horses, horse friends and a newborn baby girl in my Okinawa life. I missed Brad for sure and I really missed my family. Brad is still deployed, but the days are quickly winding down. He and a lot of the guys out there participated in Movember. Check out that stash. Awesome. Not. I hate it, but it was for a good cause and as long as it's gone before he comes home, whatever! Also, the group Brad's with made this lil video to say Happy Holidays. I don't see Brad in it, but maybe I just don't recognize him with that horrible mustache.
Hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving!
HAHAHA!!! This was awesome. What is it with the mustache thing? Seriously? My husband does this every deployment AND last deployment he also shaved his head for some good cause. Which I found out whilst Skyping :) He thought he was pretty hilarious...
Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration!!!
LOL mustache. I don't know if this is why, but November is supposed to be "Movember", where men grow a stache to raise cancer awareness. I hope that is his reason! :)
Your Thanksgiving sounds perfect. Friends are what make this whole across-the-world thing so worthwile. (That and getting to see amazing awesome things, of course!) :)
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