I really wanted to do something for Earth Day this year and decided to try and clean up the beach where we take the horses. Every time I do a beach ride I am shocked at the trash and crap all over this beach. Totally trashed. I'm not sure why this beach is more filthy than others, if its an area where things just naturally wash up, or what. But, the trash is overwhelming. You would really think that the Japanese would take better care of their coast, but unlike in the states the Japanese don't really seem to capitalize on beach front property. In the states you'd find prime time homes, land and resorts. Here sure there are some resorts, but for the most part the coast is commercial and used for factories and fishing. Also, the Japanese are for the most part totally sun-phobic, completely covering themselves up in full body garb for doing anything outside from driving, exercising and even beach going.
So, for Earth Day we asked the Mihara members to come on out and participate in lending a hand to make the beach better and safer for our horses, and at the same time making it better for the environment.

Unfortunately we had an awful rainy day, so not the best turn out of volunteers, but even so we made a dramatic difference on that beach. I made Dirt Cups (pudding, oreos, cool whip with a gummy worm on top) for our Earth Day snack. Brad even came out and picked up trash with me, which was a pleasant shock. It was a good thing he came too because I needed him to drive the farm truck for our trash pick up!
The beach looks so much better and now we can feel better about bringing our horses down and not worry so much about what they may be stepping on... well, for a few days until people litter again!

So then he brought me home my favorite flowers. Ha. He is so awesome.
Thank you so much for taking the time to clean up that beach! My kiddo and I frequent it and I've noticed the trash, but always seem to forget a trash bag! I really appreciate you guys doing this. :)
Wow! That's some pile of trash. I admire people like you who care for a land not your own, and take care of it like it was yours. Earth Day was definitely a meaningful day for you. We thank you for doing this great favor for Mother Nature!
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