The show is ... ummm... only a day away. Yikes! So much still has to be done tomorrow like getting all the horses bathed and braided, setting up the dressage arena and like a zillion other little things. The kids are coming out tomorrow to help with all the show prep. Should be fun/busy/stressful/productive/exhausting. Not particularly in that order. And to keep you all updated, on top of it all Makoto is still lame. His hock is still swollen. He is still out of commission. I'm super bummed he's not going to get to be in the show. So much has happened the last few weeks with horses getting sick or injured. It is seriously the worst timing ever. But, with Makoto it's more than inconvenient. Sure, I love them all, but with him my heart is breaking!

Even though he can't be ridden I'm giving him lots of attention everyday grooming him, cold hosing his leg, giving him lots of turnout and lots of special treats and meals. I sure hope he hurries up and gets better soon!
Wish us luck at the show on Saturday! I'll be back after it's all over and I'll tell you all about it.
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