Monday, March 31, 2014

9 months - 3/4 birthday!

 Somehow, someway my baby is 3/4 of a year old already.  Time has never gone by faster. 
 Paxton's awesome personality is really shining through.  He is such a chill, happy dude.  He's starting to babble and his little voice is the sweetest I've ever heard. 
 This is a happy face I swear.  It was probably accompanied by a sound that resembles a zombie.

 Paxton is pretty much just huge.  At his 9 month check up he was 26.6 lbs and 30.5" long. 
 The biggest things to note that happened the last month is that he quit nursing.  And I became a slave to my pump.  I tried everything to get him nursing again, but Pax is pretty clear and also very stubborn about the things he wants and doesn't want.  And he doesn't want the boob anymore.  I went through a good week of being pretty much in tears about it.  I wish I had known that our time was so limited and I keep thinking about how if only I had known that it was going to be the very last morning I was going to be able to pull him into bed with me and snuggle him a little longer and savor it just a little more.  I took him to the doctor, I consulted the LC, I asked friends, I Googled, but I couldn't get him going again.  So, he's happy as a clam getting bottles and I'm miserable having to pump all the time, but for him it's worth it.  It's annoying having to pump and deal with bottles, but it's really only for a short while longer.  Because somehow my baby is a whole NINE months old.  His pediatrician and I talked about starting cows milk a little early too, so that will really help me not have to stress about pumping so much for as long. 

 This month we started brushing all 6 of his teeth and he is such a good boy about it.  He also drinks water out of a sippy cup like a champ.
On the plus side, him quitting nursing has really helped us get onto a better, more structured schedule.  With having limited quantities of breast milk he's restricted on his intake and he's no longer just allowed to nurse whenever, so that enabled us to figure out a good daily schedule.
 He is getting 3 meals a day and 3 bottles a day now.  Big boy loves his food!  I think his favorite right now are blueberries and kiwi. 

 Just look at that fluff on top of his head!  His hair has been really growing.  He has long tufts right behind his ears and I love it so much. 
 Paxton loves: music and dancing along, bath time, the kitty, saying da-da-da, blowing raspberries, swinging in the tree swing, running with mom and dad in the BOB, and doing things himself. He's still a great sleeper at sleeps from about 7:30pm - 7:30 am and usually will take 2 naps a day.

 Fattest baby legs ever. It's so awesome.
 For his 3/4 birthday present he got a new big boy walker toy.  He loves playing with the toy part, but hasn't quite figured out the whole walk and push the toy part.  He likes to walk holding on to our fingers though!
We are all booked and set to go celebrate Paxton's first birthday (and my 30th birthday and the 4th of July) up in Maine at my parents lake cabin and I couldn't be more excited! 

Friday, March 28, 2014

My 13 Running favorites for running 13.1 miles

I'm still learning a lot about running and only starting my journey to be what I would consider a "runner." I like running, but when people say that I'm a runner I automatically go "ehhh, I just like to run." Or, "Oh, um, I guess." While I might not be a super serious runner, the fastest runner or be filled with an all consuming, obsessive love for running (like the way I feel about horses) I still get out there get it done.  Last summer when the doctor told me I couldn't run the last 10 weeks of my pregnancy I was devastated.  Running is something I genuinely love to do on a regular basis and I also knew how incredibly difficult it would be to start running again after so much time off.  So, during that time of zero running when I was hugely pregnant I made a goal that before Paxton's first birthday (and before my 30th birthday) I would train for and run another half marathon.  I made a goal to loose the baby weight and to get myself back into shape through running.  And you know what?  I did.  I did it.  Almost. Tomorrow it's going to happen!

Running is something I've enjoyed for a long time, but there are certain things that make me enjoy it even more.  Here is a list of my top must-haves and the things I've found to work so far.  
(None of the above images are my own.  Source - google images)

1. BOB Revolution SE - I simply would not be able to go run without this baby to carry my baby!  This is my top favorite, most important, couldn't live without it item. 

2. Bose IE2 headphones (and an awesome playlist!) - I always had earphones falling out of my ears and I hated constantly having to adjust them.  These headphones are worth every penny and the sound quality is incredible. 

3. Nike dri-fit featherlight hat - I can't stand my hair flying into my face and eyes when I run and this hat actually stays on my head, keeps my hair out of my way and shades my face on hot sunny days.  All around win.  I have it in 3 colors and I will be getting it in pink next!

3. Asics Gel Nimbus shoes - I get a new pair of these every year.  I have been running in them for years and years and I don't want to mess with a good thing so I keep getting the same thing.  They work for me.

4.  Running Skirts compression socks - these are the only compression socks I've tried and I love them.  I run in them all the time.  I recently bought a pair of CEP's and can't wait to expand my compression sock collection. 

5.  Running clothes that make you feel good - Speaking of running gear like the socks I mentioned above, I love running gear that is not only comfortable, light weight, quick drying and has pockets in all the right places, but that is also super comfortable, flattering and doesn't ride up, chafe and do other unfortunate things that will drive you up the wall after .1 mile not to mention after 10 miles.  Gear is mega important.  Spend the money on something you not only want to wear, but is also going to make you feel comfortable.  I'm a big fan of Lululemon. 

6. Energy - There are a zillion energy gels and running fuels on the market.  I am still figuring out which ones I like and what works for me.  I try and do everything I can organic, so finding an organic option was important to me.  I found the organic Stinger energy chews at our local healthy grocery store and I like them. 

7. Water bottle - hydration is key and you can't just drink water while you work out or after.  You have to drink a ton of water like All. The. Time.  (Especially if you are breastfeeding.) Get a water bottle you love.  My favorite is a pink Life Factory glass bottle.  I love it so much I even got the baby one.

8.  Nuun - low calorie, no sugar or carbs, lots of flavors, and packed with electrolytes to replenish you after a sweaty run.

9. Anti- chafe stuff - get yourself some Bodyglide or something.  Seriously.  I forgot to use some on my 10 mile run and lets be honest... I'm never going to have that thigh gap, my thighs are large and in charge and no matter how nice my running skirt is after rubbing skin together mile after mile it's going to hurt.  I rubbed a nice hole into my thighs.  And under my arm.  And where the bottom band of my sports bra rubs.  Lesson learned. Those rub marks hurt like a bitch so don't make the same mistake I did and use some anti-chafe stuff. 

10. Sunscreen - another lesson I recently learned on a run.  You would think that an almost 30 year old woman that coats her baby in sunscreen all the time would do the same for herself... yah.  Oops.  I have a bucket load of natural sunscreens I like and use all the time like Badger, Honest Company, Burts Bees, Babyganics and California Baby.  (Do you guys know about the EWG Skin Deep website?  It's awesome.  Get informed about what's really in the products that you put on your bodies largest organ.)

11.  Origins Leg Lifts - like fancy icy hot.  Feels oh so good to rub legs down with this after a long, hard run.  (I love Origins products in general. Hopefully they are really as healthy/natural as they claim to be.)

12. Cross train and stretch - Running can be bliss and it can be torture and it can be many things, but it can't be everything.  Get on that yoga mat.  Do that exercise video. And for me, go ride the horse. Variety is the spice of life.  I really want to get into foam rolling!

13.  Follow motivational things/people on social media - these days there is no shortage of motivation out there.  I think it is amazing how a group of women I've never met provided me with help and support the other night about a running question on my Instagram page.  I lovelovelove that. We are all working towards our own goals and personal achievements.  It doesn't mean we can't lift each other up on the way.  There are women with 3 kids winning marathons, ultra runners and people that get up at like 3 am to log their daily miles that make me gawk in awe ... and also kind of make me feel like barfing. I see people running something like 17 miles at a pace that I couldn't do in one mile,  but then I tell myself running is so hard and it takes a long time to get fast and to run far. You don't have to run fast or go far today.  Just go.  And then I go run and push myself a little bit harder. 

These are a few running items I don't have that I want to get eventually, so if anyone has any suggestions on kinds/brands please let me know!

Foam roller.
Sunglasses for running/activity.  I like big ones.  
Running watch. I use my phone... but so many "real" runners have cool watches!
A sports bra that I actually love.
A running belt.
A handheld water bottle.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Beach Day!

Yesterday was an incredibly gorgeous day with lots of sunshine and a perfect temperature. We packed up the astonishingly huge amount of things necessary for the afternoon and only had to return back to the house once for something once we finally did manage to leave. We went down to Pensacola Beach to try somewhere new for lunch and decided on Red Fish Blue Fish.  This place was awesome.  We ordered up a round of Corona's with lime, fish tacos and enjoyed the live music right on the beach. 

After lunch we headed out to the beach to hang out for a couple hours.   

He looks like such a little boy to me these days!

I brought the nice camera and wanted to get some nice pictures of our beach baby.  Too bad we didn't get a picture of the 3 of us together!

I handed the camera over to Brad and he made me feel so good in my bikini to help counteract my lack of self confidence.  My body-after-baby is nothing I would ever brag about and it is far from perfect, but I feel so in awe over what our bodies are capable of.  My body has undergone a massive transformation in the last year from being massively pregnant, having my c-section and then going down that long road of recovery.  And here I am almost 9 months postpartum. My belly button is never going to be the same.  My thighs are huge, but hey, they are strong and they are going to carry me 13.1 miles next weekend. I have lopsided boobs from only nursing on one side and haven't had a manicure or pedicure since Pax was born.  But, he is my sun and my stars and I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

 "My body is only a vessel for my spirit. An incredible vessel. It is strong, well, abled, and undefeated.
My body is full of life.
My body is powerful.
My body made me a mother. "

My boys.  My whole world! 

Thursday, March 20, 2014


My wonderful, long time friend came to visit me and we had the best time catching up and making some new memories.  The night she flew in we had dinner and sat out by the pool with some wine and stayed up late laughing and talking.  It's always the best when it's like you can just pick right up where you left off and it's like no time as passed at all. 
 Seeing my best friend with my baby made my heart so happy!  Unfortunately the weather for her visit was the worst with lots of rain and cooler temps, but we got to spend lots of time on the couch giggling at the tv during a New Girl marathon.  With the best friends it never matters what you're doing, it's just about being together. 
 On Saturday night we had a girls night.  I was SO excited to get dressed in something pretty that did not did not have a combo of breast milk, drool and baby food on it. 
 First stop was to Crabs for a seafood dinner and a very large tropical cocktail. 
 Next it was a series of bars that were fun, had live music and of course we had our fair share of drinks!  The night ended with some new friends we met at Waffle House and with our probably drunk cab driver taking a piss in my front yard.  Yikes.
 The next morning Brad got up with the baby and let me sleep in!  It was amazing.  After we all woke up late we headed out for brunch at the Grand Marlin. 

 Jess was here for St. Patty's Day and we had big plans for us all to go out that night and celebrate.  That day we ran some errands that included a stop by a party store for more green bling. 

 Had to get one family pic on Paxton's first St Patrick's Day before the baby went to bed and we went out.
 We met up with some friends from Brad's squadron and we started the night with pizzas and beers... and a few shots. 
 From there we went place to place and had a blast where ever we went!

 Our friend, Michael, was playing guitar for a band playing at Seville, so we had to go over there for a bit and cheer him on.
 We ended the night at a packed Irish pub.
 I love this girl!  So glad we were able to have this time together and that we both are able to keep our childhood friendship going through the years and adult hood.  She's pretty amazing!!