Sunday, December 23, 2012


 This week was a sad one for my family.  My amazing Grandmother passed away on Dec 17 at the impressive age of 91. 

Because I really can't say it better here is the link to my sisters post:

Being far from home is always a challenge, but at times like these it's almost unbearable.  All I wanted to do was hug my family and be together with them.  But, I'm across the world and far away. 

This past summer I was lucky enough to spend a week up in Jersey with my Grandma.  At this time she was doing great, she was up and about and in pretty good spirits after Grandpa passed away earlier in the year.  I'll never forget how one night my mom, me and Grandma all stayed up late eating ice cream and watching an old movie on TV.  I knew at the time it was such a special moment, one I'll hold dear always.  I'll never forget that last little bit of time I had with my Grandma.  She was an incredibly strong lady and one I wish my baby had the chance to meet.  Even though she's gone, my baby will know her by the wonderful family she created, by her art and poems and by the stories and pictures we'll share. 
The morning this picture was taken I sat at the breakfast table with Grandma and I told her how badly I wanted to be a mother and how it wasn't happening.  She held my hand and told me it would, that Brad would come around.  She was right and I'm glad she knew about my little baby before she died.

Mom, Grandma and me.

Grandma, you'll be with us always in our hearts and minds. You'll be so missed.

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